Cornelia Suhan

Portrait der Fotografin Cornelia Suhan.
© Jo Schwartz Photografie,

A war is not over when the weapons are silent.

The photo designer and photojournalist studied in Dortmund, Bielefeld and San Francisco. She reports from war and crisis zones around the world with critical and impressive images. In her reportages, she pays particular attention to social contexts, especially the situation of women.

From 1990, she developed architectural photography as a further focus of her work. She was a member of the Dortmunder Künstlerhaus for over ten years. Ms. Suhan's work can also be found in the photo collection of the Museum of Art and Cultural History of the City of Dortmund.

Cornelia Suhan was born in Duisburg in 1956 and is the mother of a daughter.

She is a co-founder of Vive Žene e.V., Dortmund.

Vive Žene e.V - Frauen lebt - was founded in 1993 by women from Dortmund. The members of Vive Žene e.V. come from different professional groups and all work on a voluntary basis. Members and the board work on a voluntary basis. Vive Žene e.V. opened an inpatient therapy center for women and children in Tuzla/Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994 - still during the war in the former Yugoslavia. This was prompted by reports of systematic rape of girls and women during the war. Between 1994 and 2023, Vive Žene e.V. and its local partner organization developed a comprehensive rehabilitation model that addressed the complex needs of traumatized women and girls in numerous projects and continuously adapted the support services to changing needs.


born in Duisburg


studied at the FH - Dortmund, photo design

Specialising in photojournalism


Examination, group work with Helga Hilbert:

"Pictures with homosexual women." Exhibition

at the Gay and Lesbian Centre Cologne


Studies at the San Francisco Art Institute | San Francisco / USA

since 1985

work as an architectural photographer